Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Favorite Song This Time Last Year

Took me a few minutes to think of this, but it became clear once I actually thought of March 2010 (Okay, so it's not exactly March yet, but whatever). The Versant EP was rumored to have landed on March 14, 2010 for whatever reason. A few weeks preceding the alleged CD release, the song Quick Escapes was released, which landed itself as the first song on a CD I used in my car until whenever I purchased Jewel's Goodbye Alice in Wonderland album sometime in the spring. It was the demo version, so it sounded a bit low quality, but it definitely filled the Versant void needed to last until the actual release of their EP in September.

Since I have already used Quick Escapes in one of my earlier blogs, though, I am going to go with a single Jewel recorded for the Valentine's Day (the movie) soundtrack, called Stay Here Forever. It's a quirky, upbeat love song that I could relate to at this time last year, plus it was just silly enough not to take so seriously that I overplayed it and got sick of it in two weeks.

Jewel - Stay Here Forever

PS. this was the last blog of the 30 day challenge, but I intend on popping on whenever something is on my mind...musically or otherwise.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Song From My Childhood

So many... so many. What to pick? I am going to start by saying I loved the A teens in my younger days. I do admit maybe once every two years I put in one of their CDs just for old time's sake.

This is the first song that came to mind with this topic, though...for whatever reason.

Upon listening to it again, after all these years, I think it is simply hilarious. Their mom looks nuts with that blow torch, first of all. Also, I picked up on this crazy background electric guitar that kicks in about 30 seconds in. The list goes on and on...
I actually remember having this song on a cassette tape way back when. It's the only cassette tape I ever remember owning.

Rugrats - Phil and Lil's Song

A Song That Makes Me Feel Guilty

This song was once a song I listened to every day... now I avoid it. No crazy story behind it, just the lyrics kind of make me... uncomfortable now. I had sort of a crush on someone when I liked this song, and I kind of associate it to them, but not really. Well, sort of. It's a mixture of things. It makes me feel guilty for associating it to someone at all, but the song itself doesn't make me feel guilty if that makes any tiny piece of sense.

Shiny Toy Guns - Stripped


Monday, February 21, 2011

A Song I Wish I Could Play

This guy has like the coolest style of guitar playing I've ever seen. This video sort of went viral a few months back, and I just really like this guy. From the videos success he's trying to get signed to a label, but I'm not sure if he's gotten a deal yet, since he's trying to play it safe. He's released a few songs on youtube, but they don't shine like this one. The intro is really the only part that looks hard to play, the rest is just strumming in and tuned cord...or something.

Graham Stookey - Jonah

A Song That Makes Me Laugh

I blew this off again yesterday. oops =)

Anyway, the first song that came to mind for this was Timbaland - Apologize. You may be thinking "wtf?! that song's not funny!" but, there is a small story behind it. When I was a freshman, i rode the school bus to and from school every day, and on the way home, there was a girl who went to another school named Katie. She was a senior, and she knew like every single song that came on the radio. Well, needless to say, by knowing every song, you learn all the ins and outs of most of them. So for this one, we really though the background "eh eh eh" you hear like every twenty seconds was fun to exaggerate and exploit that. We knew when it was coming at every verse and chorus, and always sang along. Maybe you had to be there...

Timbaland - Apologize

Another Katie funny song was Have You Ever Seen The Rain. Again, maybe you had to be there, but when the chorus came around I just remember her saying "Nope, my house doesn't have windows. Oh, and my parents live in a dungeon." With nothing else after or before that, it was just the perfect blend randomness, yet total relevance to the song lyrics. I laughed about that for a good five minutes straight. I still do.

Creedence Clearwater Revival -Have You Ever Seen The Rain

Now! The song that should make everyone laugh and doesn't require a story to make sense!

It's a Surprise

PS. I've seen Katie a few times since she graduated, but we grew apart, inevitably. She was one cool gal, tho. Miss her sense of humor every now and again.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Song I Want To Play At My Funeral...

The side of me with a sense of humor says this:

FFVII - Aeris' theme

But in all honesty I don't expect that to be the case. For now, though, we'll keep it as that, until I put a bit more thought into it down the road.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Song I Want To Get Married To

I blew off yesterday since, um...well I don't work out =P Shoulda probably just done this one yesterday, but all's well in my opinion.

My parents go married to Clarke's Trumpet Voluntary. As I think of that, it feels like a great choice, since it's not really traditional, but it's still nice and got a weddingy feel to it haha!

Clarke's Trumpet Voluntary