Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Song I Listen To In The Car!

I listen to music every single time I go anywhere. I am generally not a fan of the radio, but it is certainly a last resort, like when I drive my mom's car (since she has XM radio) or when I used to drive my dad's car (before I hooked up one of those CD to cassette things after about a week of fuzzy radio.) But usually, I have a burnt CD ready to go in my car. As my good friend Emily pointed out a few days ago, all my CDs consist of the same core songs, and then a few different ones here and there, which is kind of funny to me. Anyway, when in the car, my favorite song to listen to usually remains as Don't Cry Out, a Shiny Toy Guns classic. It's a fun song to sing along to, especially the chorus (fun fact! the countdown in the chorus is my ringtone!) Anyway, there are of course many others, and it sort of changes from week to week, but Don't Cry Out has been among the first 5 tracks on just about all the car CDs I've made since I started driving.

Shiny Toy Guns - Don't Cry Out - This dude's animation made me laugh... starts at 1:23

Shiny Toy Guns - Don't Cry Out - This is a better version of the song =P

PS - The new STG song coming out soon is called The Sun! How epic does that sound!? Really epic, that's how epic. Anyway I am looking forward to hearing it, since it's been talked about in different blogs. The latest update was just that the STG website is up and running again... does that mean they are setting the stage for a new song release in the next few days?!?! Of course not, I am just going crazy in anticipation and everything is a reason to think it will be released in the next minute.

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