Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Song That Reminds Me of a Certain Event

The dreaded topic. The moment I read this topic i knew exactly what to write about. Quite possibly the worst thing I have ever done in my life took place during the summer of 2010. It was the last night we were staying at the farm for the summer's visit. I was at my grandparent's house after eating dinner, trying to kill time until my cousin got back from work. Their houses are literally about 200 meters away from each other. I ended up hanging around longer than I intended, for whatever reason, and I knew my cousin had gotten back, so I decided to head back. It was dark, but the country sky was lit up with stars and moonlight. The husky, London, was still hanging around, so I gave him some attention before getting in the car. For whatever reason, I was taking the van back, rather than just walking. I started my way down their abnormally long, dirt driveway, the dog trying his best to run along with me. About 4/5 of the way down the driveway he crossed in front of me. It looked like he saw something on the road, so he sort of did a double-take and tried to grab it in his mouth. Looking back, I realize I was going too fast since the dog was with me, but I don't think I was going that fast. I saw the headlights reflect in the dog's eyes right before he ducked his head under the car. Then, the most unnerving thing ever - the bump. It felt like I had gone over a speed bump and I assumed the worst. I got out of the car hearing the dog's yelps which was good news in the sense that it told me the dog wasn't dead. I had run over his hind legs, but he managed to hobble his way to the side of the path. He bit me as I first approached (which I knew would happen, but didn't bother thinking about. He was associating everything around him to the pain, not just the car.) I pulled back, but when I went up to him again, he let me pet him, since he had calmed down just a tiny tiny bit.

Anyway I'll try to avoid pointless details. I did get help from my Uncle Jethro (who was also bitten) and we got the poor pup back to their porch. I sat out with the dog for a while, just sitting there petting him while apologizing countless times, as if he knew what I was saying. I went to bed listening to the Within Temptation album 'The Silent Force.' Basically all the songs on that album remind me of the night, but I think the most potent one is the song Somewhere. It doesn't necessarily tell a story I could relate to that night, but it was just a melancholy song.

Anyway, the dog is fine now, he runs a little funny, but he's all healed up. He's actually really playful, and a great dog if you ask me. He still runs in front of cars though, which is beyond my understanding.

Within Temptation - Somewhere

Oh, and I think London was pretty happy when we traded in that big blue thing that hit him for a new car.

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