Monday, February 21, 2011

A Song That Makes Me Laugh

I blew this off again yesterday. oops =)

Anyway, the first song that came to mind for this was Timbaland - Apologize. You may be thinking "wtf?! that song's not funny!" but, there is a small story behind it. When I was a freshman, i rode the school bus to and from school every day, and on the way home, there was a girl who went to another school named Katie. She was a senior, and she knew like every single song that came on the radio. Well, needless to say, by knowing every song, you learn all the ins and outs of most of them. So for this one, we really though the background "eh eh eh" you hear like every twenty seconds was fun to exaggerate and exploit that. We knew when it was coming at every verse and chorus, and always sang along. Maybe you had to be there...

Timbaland - Apologize

Another Katie funny song was Have You Ever Seen The Rain. Again, maybe you had to be there, but when the chorus came around I just remember her saying "Nope, my house doesn't have windows. Oh, and my parents live in a dungeon." With nothing else after or before that, it was just the perfect blend randomness, yet total relevance to the song lyrics. I laughed about that for a good five minutes straight. I still do.

Creedence Clearwater Revival -Have You Ever Seen The Rain

Now! The song that should make everyone laugh and doesn't require a story to make sense!

It's a Surprise

PS. I've seen Katie a few times since she graduated, but we grew apart, inevitably. She was one cool gal, tho. Miss her sense of humor every now and again.

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