Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Favorite Song This Time Last Year

Took me a few minutes to think of this, but it became clear once I actually thought of March 2010 (Okay, so it's not exactly March yet, but whatever). The Versant EP was rumored to have landed on March 14, 2010 for whatever reason. A few weeks preceding the alleged CD release, the song Quick Escapes was released, which landed itself as the first song on a CD I used in my car until whenever I purchased Jewel's Goodbye Alice in Wonderland album sometime in the spring. It was the demo version, so it sounded a bit low quality, but it definitely filled the Versant void needed to last until the actual release of their EP in September.

Since I have already used Quick Escapes in one of my earlier blogs, though, I am going to go with a single Jewel recorded for the Valentine's Day (the movie) soundtrack, called Stay Here Forever. It's a quirky, upbeat love song that I could relate to at this time last year, plus it was just silly enough not to take so seriously that I overplayed it and got sick of it in two weeks.

Jewel - Stay Here Forever

PS. this was the last blog of the 30 day challenge, but I intend on popping on whenever something is on my mind...musically or otherwise.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Song From My Childhood

So many... so many. What to pick? I am going to start by saying I loved the A teens in my younger days. I do admit maybe once every two years I put in one of their CDs just for old time's sake.

This is the first song that came to mind with this topic, though...for whatever reason.

Upon listening to it again, after all these years, I think it is simply hilarious. Their mom looks nuts with that blow torch, first of all. Also, I picked up on this crazy background electric guitar that kicks in about 30 seconds in. The list goes on and on...
I actually remember having this song on a cassette tape way back when. It's the only cassette tape I ever remember owning.

Rugrats - Phil and Lil's Song

A Song That Makes Me Feel Guilty

This song was once a song I listened to every day... now I avoid it. No crazy story behind it, just the lyrics kind of make me... uncomfortable now. I had sort of a crush on someone when I liked this song, and I kind of associate it to them, but not really. Well, sort of. It's a mixture of things. It makes me feel guilty for associating it to someone at all, but the song itself doesn't make me feel guilty if that makes any tiny piece of sense.

Shiny Toy Guns - Stripped


Monday, February 21, 2011

A Song I Wish I Could Play

This guy has like the coolest style of guitar playing I've ever seen. This video sort of went viral a few months back, and I just really like this guy. From the videos success he's trying to get signed to a label, but I'm not sure if he's gotten a deal yet, since he's trying to play it safe. He's released a few songs on youtube, but they don't shine like this one. The intro is really the only part that looks hard to play, the rest is just strumming in and tuned cord...or something.

Graham Stookey - Jonah

A Song That Makes Me Laugh

I blew this off again yesterday. oops =)

Anyway, the first song that came to mind for this was Timbaland - Apologize. You may be thinking "wtf?! that song's not funny!" but, there is a small story behind it. When I was a freshman, i rode the school bus to and from school every day, and on the way home, there was a girl who went to another school named Katie. She was a senior, and she knew like every single song that came on the radio. Well, needless to say, by knowing every song, you learn all the ins and outs of most of them. So for this one, we really though the background "eh eh eh" you hear like every twenty seconds was fun to exaggerate and exploit that. We knew when it was coming at every verse and chorus, and always sang along. Maybe you had to be there...

Timbaland - Apologize

Another Katie funny song was Have You Ever Seen The Rain. Again, maybe you had to be there, but when the chorus came around I just remember her saying "Nope, my house doesn't have windows. Oh, and my parents live in a dungeon." With nothing else after or before that, it was just the perfect blend randomness, yet total relevance to the song lyrics. I laughed about that for a good five minutes straight. I still do.

Creedence Clearwater Revival -Have You Ever Seen The Rain

Now! The song that should make everyone laugh and doesn't require a story to make sense!

It's a Surprise

PS. I've seen Katie a few times since she graduated, but we grew apart, inevitably. She was one cool gal, tho. Miss her sense of humor every now and again.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Song I Want To Play At My Funeral...

The side of me with a sense of humor says this:

FFVII - Aeris' theme

But in all honesty I don't expect that to be the case. For now, though, we'll keep it as that, until I put a bit more thought into it down the road.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Song I Want To Get Married To

I blew off yesterday since, um...well I don't work out =P Shoulda probably just done this one yesterday, but all's well in my opinion.

My parents go married to Clarke's Trumpet Voluntary. As I think of that, it feels like a great choice, since it's not really traditional, but it's still nice and got a weddingy feel to it haha!

Clarke's Trumpet Voluntary

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Song I Listen To In The Car!

I listen to music every single time I go anywhere. I am generally not a fan of the radio, but it is certainly a last resort, like when I drive my mom's car (since she has XM radio) or when I used to drive my dad's car (before I hooked up one of those CD to cassette things after about a week of fuzzy radio.) But usually, I have a burnt CD ready to go in my car. As my good friend Emily pointed out a few days ago, all my CDs consist of the same core songs, and then a few different ones here and there, which is kind of funny to me. Anyway, when in the car, my favorite song to listen to usually remains as Don't Cry Out, a Shiny Toy Guns classic. It's a fun song to sing along to, especially the chorus (fun fact! the countdown in the chorus is my ringtone!) Anyway, there are of course many others, and it sort of changes from week to week, but Don't Cry Out has been among the first 5 tracks on just about all the car CDs I've made since I started driving.

Shiny Toy Guns - Don't Cry Out - This dude's animation made me laugh... starts at 1:23

Shiny Toy Guns - Don't Cry Out - This is a better version of the song =P

PS - The new STG song coming out soon is called The Sun! How epic does that sound!? Really epic, that's how epic. Anyway I am looking forward to hearing it, since it's been talked about in different blogs. The latest update was just that the STG website is up and running again... does that mean they are setting the stage for a new song release in the next few days?!?! Of course not, I am just going crazy in anticipation and everything is a reason to think it will be released in the next minute.

A Song I Listen To When I'm Angry

AH! I didn't blog yesterday! It's okay, because I did write something (my rule is that i need to write every day so I become a better writer) But because of that, I am gonna do two, yes, two posts today.

A song I listen to when I'm angry... I'd have to say, the music in Goo Goo Doll's Big Machine pretty much hits the spot when I'm angry. Goo Goo Dolls are really good, I saw them live not too long ago and I really enjoyed the show. They are able to get songs out there that range from upbeat, to touching and inspirational, and they have a great rock sound that doesn't get too crazy. Big Machine is one of those songs I don't listen to too often, but (as the title of this post suggests) it's good when I need to get some anger out...which for me is kinda rare, since I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky guy.

Goo Goo Dolls - Big Machine

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Song From My Favorite Record

With this I think I am going to use a few different albums (from different bands/artists) since I have already said a few of my favorites so far. So these few songs are my favorite songs off of my favorite album of the selected singers/bands...does that make sense?

Coldplay - X&Y - White Shadows. This was the first Colplay record I bought, and there isn't a single song on it I don't like...which is unusual for me...Even Versant's EP has one song I don't like! Anyway, this song's chorus is particularly intriguing to me for whatever reason, but I can't say I like is significantly more than any of their other songs (whether on this album or not)

Jewel - Goodbye Alice in Wonderland - Good Day. Of all her eight records, (9th on the way!) I have to say this is the one that beats the others in quality, sound, and material. Jewel is pretty prolific and her albums each differ greatly and have their ups and downs, but this one has a good mix of love songs, commentary songs, and story songs. She also sounds great, much like she does in This Way, but this record is overall better, I'd say. (0304 was an interesting album, and I like it more and more each time I listen to it, so this may change over time)

Avril Lavigne - Let Go - Things I'll Never Say. Her first album definitely outdoes the two that follow, (but I have a lot of hope for the March 2011 release) so it was more a matter of picking my favorite song off this album. This one was just so cleverly written and has a nice happy feeling to it... runner up was Tomorrow

Julia Nunes - I Wrote These - Sugar Coats and You Were (I can't choose!). Okay, time to pump up Julia Nunes a bit. She is arguably my favorite person in the world. Her personality shines in both her videos and on stage, which makes her music so so SO much better. Honestly, she is not the best vocalist or writer, but it's impossible for me not to smile when she's talking and telling stories. Her second album was produced by Pomplamoose, which is the force that drove it to be literally 10x better than her first. These songs often make it to every playlist and CD I make...
A few people I know can't stand her because she "sounds like a man" but I kind of like that, in a weird sense. It sets her apart from other artists and makes her unique. (I actually didn't think her voice was that weird at first, but a ton of other people do, so whatever)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Song With A Great Intro!

Once again, I changed this topic. A Song I Wish I Heard On The Radio was way too similar to my favorite song, or many of the other earlier categories. So, I copied Brooke White and made this about song intros, the part of a song that gets you captivated and interested enough to stick around.
Okay, so even though it's basically an instrumental, the song Shiny Toy Guns put on their reveal video of the reintroduction of Carah Faye into the band, it definitely has an amazing intro. I heard rumors that they didn't write it and that it was in a movie...? Who knows, but that certainly doesn't make it worse. Another great song with a cool intro is Strawberry Swing by Coldplay (which was earlier mentioned in here somewhere). So, another song with a cool intro is The Truth Beneath the Rose by Within Temptation. This song was actually the first song I heard by WT and I was pretty obsessed with it for a while. Sharon's voice is pretty fantastic, but this particular live performance isn't my favorite, even though it's still pretty good. I find it so funny how she wears these elaborate dresses in some of their shows, yet still jumps around and does her crazy dances and all...she's kinda crazy (the good kind of crazy, haha)

Shiny Toy Guns - Together Again

Within Temptation - The Truth Beneath the Rose

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Song That Tells A Good Story

Okay, okay, this isn't the topic I should be doing, but I don't listen to the radio, so I don't know a song I often hear on the radio, so I changed it. I think contemporary ballad songs are hard to come by, and because of that, it'd be cool to point out the ones that do! My first choice is an unreleased song by Jewel about a middle-class suburban family with all it's troubles, and the other is a Shiny Toy Guns song about Jackie Kennedy (I know, cool idea, right?). The STG song really sparked my interest the first time I heard it, so I did a bit of research on it. The whole idea of the song is really neat, in my opinion. Who would ever think to write a song about something that happened such a long time ago (the band didn't even exist until about 2005) and write about it from such an unusual perspective? They basically blame Jackie Kennedy for letting John F. Kennedy Jr. go on the plane that crashed and killed him along with his wife and others. Not sure if she could have actually done much of anything about it, or if she was against it for some reason, I haven't researched that much into it, but it sure is an interesting standpoint on the issue. Good job, Jeremy Dawson for writing that song!

Shiny Toy Guns - Jackie Will Save Me

Jewel - Boy Needs A Bike No, the "By Matty" isn't me. But the only comment on it is mine =P

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Song I Used To Love But Now Hate

Worry not, this won't be a long one, especially since I have known exactly what to put for this since day one. I am pretty sure this song became popular during my freshman year of high school. At first, I liked it, and actually downloaded it, but (similar to Pocketful of Sunshine) after I heard it at least 6 times on the radio in a school week, I really began to dislike it. The song is I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. Nothing against him, I actually kind of like him and his ability to be a singer/songwriter and still have a popular song, but when hearing a song on the radio too much makes me like it a lot less for whatever reason.

Jason Mraz - I'm Yours

PS! Versant tweeted that their big news was that they are teaming up with Shiny Toy Guns to help them with their third CD! I was totally shocked, since Carah (the singer of Versant) was essentially kicked out of STG. It was kind of a chain of misunderstandings, and it seems like they have moved past it. It has been like 2-3 years, after all. Anyway, I am very excited about that.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Song That Describes Me

This took a few minutes to figure out. There are a few ways to interpret this heading, but once I sat on it for a little bit, a song by my favorite singer/songwriter popped into my mind. During the beginning of the summer of 2009, I started listening to Jewel, mainly because I found her videos on youtube. Towards the end of that summer, I decided to buy the concert dvd that I already knew all the songs to from youtube, along with her latest album at the time, Lullaby. One of the songs that actually took a while to grow on me was Grey Matter. I don't really know why, but for whatever reason I wasn't really a fan of it a first, but one day I played it about ten times straight and really started liking it.

The interesting thing about the song is that even though I'm pretty certain that it's a love song of sorts, I read a comment of someone saying she wrote it to herself. When I listened to it a few more times, I actually really understood that. Although I feel like I am totally comfortable with myself and who I've become over the years, there's always this feeling, that comes every now and then, perhaps on a bad day, that there's a flaw in me. Well, not so much that I have a flaw, we all have them...but more like that flaw really bothers me. "I hate you / But I love you." That really is a potent phrase. I imagine looking in the mirror and saying that line, though I never remember doing that.

It's just a very interesting concept, how everyone seems to judge themselves so much. I think that comes from fear of being judged by others, partly, but it's mostly just inner restlessness. I took a look at that in my own life and realized I do all the time, subconsciously. I filled up a notebook or two with writing, just short stories and poems, but, really I have hardly filled one with stuff I like. I judge my own writing so much, it's unbelievable. The first notebook I started seriously writing in has stuff X'd out, pages ripped and torn, phrases and words turned into doodles I drew over them so much. It's an interesting thing, in my opinion. It's just another flaw that's "telling me I'm dirty and licking my bones" I guess...

Anyway, the song really gives me a feeling of "am I being to hard on myself?" The answer is always yes. Some days I hate my hair, my smile, my teeth, my nose, the shape of my face, my hands, fingernails...the list is endless. I realize, though, I don't actually hate them. How could I? It's just the things that make me, me; I'm a totally unique person. Every single thing about it me is different than every. single. other. person. in. the. WORLD. And that's the case forever. It's a crazy thing to think about. So why should I ever say I don't like some physical feature about myself? It doesn't make sense.

Anyway, the point is that this song really takes self doubt and self-consciousness and really points it out. Self doubt has been a huge issue for me, I think, for a long time, although I think I hide it pretty well in most cases. But, by pointing it out, it lets me fight against it. For example (and this is also advice Jewel said in one of her live Ustream chats before her 2010 album release) I have been making an attempt to write every day and not really be too worried about what I put out there, whether intended for other people's eyes or not.

I hope all that makes sense...

Jewel - Grey Matter

Just to add something else to possibly my longest post yet, one of the reasons I like Jewel so much is her ability to sing these melancholy songs and not sound depressed. This post probably makes me sound a bit depressed, myself, but I know for a fact I am far from it.
She also doesn't use a setlist for her shows, which is really cool, she just does what she feels like and takes requests from the audience.
She also has like 300 unrecorded songs, which is amazing. I look up to that a lot.
She also writes all her own music and often sings solo acoustic.
She ALSO has a close relationship with her fans, which is very cool.
Need I go on?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A Song Nobody Would Expect Me To Love

Well, this is a little tricky, since I feel like even though this is a bit unexpected, it still fits the style of music I like. Anyway, I guess I remember hearing this song in the car ever since I was little, but it didn't occur to me until recently to look it up again. For whatever reason, I decided I wanted to hear it a few months ago, and I always keep it in the back of my head whenever I get bored with my music. The lyrics in this song are pretty amazing, just because it's jam-packed with allusions and people and all sorts of other references, (allusions that actually need to thought about, not just laid right out there bluntly, like almost every song nowadays [but that might just be because I wasn't alive when it was written]) not to mention it's got like ten verses. Anyway, I do, in fact, love this song. The rhyme scheme is awesome, not forced in my opinion, and it's not dressed up in crazy background music that takes away from the song. I present Don McLean's American Pie.

Don McLean - American Pie

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Guilty Pleasure Song

Hmm, this is sort of a tough pick for me. I had to actually think back a bit, since it's been a while since I have liked a song that had lyrics that meant absolutely nothing to me, but when it didn't take long to remember MIA - Paper Planes. As I said, I can't relate to the lyrics at all. No, seriously, I only like the song is cause I like pretending to shoot guns on the chorus. It's pretty catchy which did have it earn a place on my playlist for like a week during my sophomore year.I haven't really listened to it much since, but, as I said, I do like pretending to shoot guns every now and then!

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Song From A Band I Hate...

NO! I try not to pay attention to bands I with that, I am cheating and skipping this topic. Sorry.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Song From My Favorite Band

My Favorite band is, by far, Versant, hands down. Their amazing ability to have a rock sound, yet keep it feeling relaxed and not over the top is truly beyond me. They are a young band, with only a few videos released on youtube and a 4-song EP. But every single song I have heard of theirs is fantastic. My favorite song of theirs is Push Away, but since I used that on day one of this blog challenge, I am actually going to use one of their songs not officially released yet. It's called "How to Behave" and it is absolutely amazing. It was released on their youtube account a while ago, but when they released their EP, I was disappointed to see this wasn't on it. You can hear the sound of what they are doing in the video over the song, but it's still fairly clear.

Versant - How to Behave

I am excited cause their January news letter said big news was coming in February!!! My guess is a few tee shirts in their store and possibly tour dates?!?! can't wait.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Song That Makes Me Fall Asleep

This is actually a very easy topic for me, since I love listening to music as I fall asleep. The whole Coldplay album, X&Y, is a fantastic record for me to fall asleep to, since all the songs on it are pretty relaxed and slow. (Fun fact! It's also the first Coldplay album I bought) The song that is best for me to fall asleep to is not off of that album, though. It's actually the final song off of their record, Viva La Vida, called Death and All His Friends. The outro to that song is simply one of the most sleep-inducing pieces of music I have ever heard. I can honestly say it's harder for me to fall asleep to silence than that song, and I am reminded of this every time I listen to it while trying to fall asleep.

Coldplay - Death and All His Friends

Friday, February 4, 2011

A Song I Can Dance To

Hmm, a song I can dance to...gonna be honest, I'm really not much of a dancer at all, BUT I will say that from the first time I heard this crazy-awesome 'song' I couldn't help but move to it. It's basically the most chill thing I have ever listened to, and I always find a way to somehow dance to it. It's a weird remix mashup thing of stuff from Alice in Wonderland. I heard it at the end of my Sophomore year, and my body just kind of always sways with the feeling of it whenever I hear it (I downloaded it for free of of this site)

Trippy Alice in Wonderland Thing

As I said...not much of a dancer

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Song I Know All the Words to

Well this sure is an easy one! I think I will link a few, just for fun...

Julia Nunes - You Were

My Terrible Friend - The Daylight Here (The Kildear cover is good, too)

Shiny Toy Guns - Le Disco (The Letterman version is good, too)

PS. did I mention I am partial to female vocalists yet?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Song That Reminds Me of a Certain Event

The dreaded topic. The moment I read this topic i knew exactly what to write about. Quite possibly the worst thing I have ever done in my life took place during the summer of 2010. It was the last night we were staying at the farm for the summer's visit. I was at my grandparent's house after eating dinner, trying to kill time until my cousin got back from work. Their houses are literally about 200 meters away from each other. I ended up hanging around longer than I intended, for whatever reason, and I knew my cousin had gotten back, so I decided to head back. It was dark, but the country sky was lit up with stars and moonlight. The husky, London, was still hanging around, so I gave him some attention before getting in the car. For whatever reason, I was taking the van back, rather than just walking. I started my way down their abnormally long, dirt driveway, the dog trying his best to run along with me. About 4/5 of the way down the driveway he crossed in front of me. It looked like he saw something on the road, so he sort of did a double-take and tried to grab it in his mouth. Looking back, I realize I was going too fast since the dog was with me, but I don't think I was going that fast. I saw the headlights reflect in the dog's eyes right before he ducked his head under the car. Then, the most unnerving thing ever - the bump. It felt like I had gone over a speed bump and I assumed the worst. I got out of the car hearing the dog's yelps which was good news in the sense that it told me the dog wasn't dead. I had run over his hind legs, but he managed to hobble his way to the side of the path. He bit me as I first approached (which I knew would happen, but didn't bother thinking about. He was associating everything around him to the pain, not just the car.) I pulled back, but when I went up to him again, he let me pet him, since he had calmed down just a tiny tiny bit.

Anyway I'll try to avoid pointless details. I did get help from my Uncle Jethro (who was also bitten) and we got the poor pup back to their porch. I sat out with the dog for a while, just sitting there petting him while apologizing countless times, as if he knew what I was saying. I went to bed listening to the Within Temptation album 'The Silent Force.' Basically all the songs on that album remind me of the night, but I think the most potent one is the song Somewhere. It doesn't necessarily tell a story I could relate to that night, but it was just a melancholy song.

Anyway, the dog is fine now, he runs a little funny, but he's all healed up. He's actually really playful, and a great dog if you ask me. He still runs in front of cars though, which is beyond my understanding.

Within Temptation - Somewhere

Oh, and I think London was pretty happy when we traded in that big blue thing that hit him for a new car.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Song That Reminds Me of Somewhere

Well, this one is kind of tricky, too. There are a few things that come to mind that I COULD use, but that don't necessarily suit this category. That being said, I am going to go for the song that I think would be runner up for the "Song that reminds me of an Event" topic. A few summers ago, I guess about four years ago, but I'm not quite sure, we went to the Outer Banks as a family. (By as a family, I mean me, my parents, and a few cousins/aunts and uncles) Anyway, the whole time we were there, I kept saying I wanted to wake up early one day and go watch the sunrise. Of course everyone was pretty much saying "Have fun with that." Well one day, I just happened to wake up and not be able to fall back asleep, and it happened to be about 5 in the morning. So I got up, stumbled my way through the kitchen to write a note, (which I tried to write with a battery that I thought was a crayon, but I couldn't tell the difference since it was dark and I didn't want to turn on the light since my aunt was asleep on the couch...) and walked down to the beach. For whatever reason, I woke up that morning with the Avril Lavigne song, Innocence stuck in my head. So along the road down to the shore I was singing the song, and as I sat in the sand I remained humming the tune in my head. It was pretty accurate to what I was witnessing, too. Anyway, that is one of the few good songs on her third album, and when I listen to it, I often think of that morning.

Avril Lavigne - Innocence

I'll try to get away from Avril Lavigne for a while now, haha

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Song That Makes Me Sad

Well this sure requires some thought... but I'm really thinking about cheating and combining blog 4 and 5, since the song that most sticks out in my head for making me sad also reminds me of someone. I first heard Avril Lavigne's second album, Under My Skin, soon after it was released, in 2004. I didn't really have a mental grasp of what did or didn't make song lyrics 'good' at that point, but I always related this song to death. So, when my grandma died in 2005 (Sunday, Dec 4 to be exact) this was basically turned into the song I wanted to listen to when I wanted to remember her... thus making me sad.

Avril Lavigne - Slipped Away

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Song That Makes Me Happy

One of the first songs I can ever remember giving me chills all through my body is Coldplay's Strawberry Swing. I remember the first time I put this song on a CD I was getting ready to go visit my family at the farm all by my self, on the train. It's one of the few songs I genuinely like listening to on a volume that is far too loud for its own good. But to talk about the song itself for just a sec, I must say the background music just sounds really uplifting and the lyrics are pretty cheery, too. ("Now the skies could be blue, could be gray, I don't mind")

Coldplay - Strawberry Swing

PS. I need to figure out how to embed videos directly into these things...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Least Favorite Song... this is actually pretty tough, because I don't really pay attention to songs I don't like. But a quick look back to when I heard radio on the way to and from school made me remember one song in particular... Every day for 10 days straight (Mon-Fri twice) I heard "Pocket Full of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield at least once (yes, sometimes twice.) Although the lyrics aren't necessarily bad, the constant repetition of, like the only two stanzas that actually make up the whole song get pretty old really fast. I won't even grace this song with a link...

Friday, January 28, 2011

My Favorite Song

I think my favorite song changes from week to week. There are some days it seems like all I want to do is listen to one song, while other days I don't even want to hear it. Sometimes I find myself saying "It will be a sad day when this song doesn't make it on a playlist" then a week later I rule it out since I hate having more than 36 songs on my Winamp play list because then you have to scroll down to see the last one... But through all that, I still must say that this song always always always finds it's way back to the top of the play list even though I alphabetize this list at the beginning of each day.

Versant - Push Away

Versant has a way of making their music sound so full and energetic, I just love it. Not to mention Carah's voice sounds like magic.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just to keep track

I am gonna try this, too! Brooke White you have made me want to start this, so.. Here. We. Go.

Starting tomorrow hahaha

Day 01 – Your favorite song
Day 02 – Your least favorite song
Day 03 – A song that makes you happy
Day 04 – A song that makes you sad
Day 05 – A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06 – A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 07 – A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08 – A song that you know all the words to
Day 09 – A song that you can dance to
Day 10 – A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11 – A song from your favorite band
Day 12 – A song from a band you hate
Day 13 – A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 – A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 – A song that describes you
Day 16 – A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 – A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18 – A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19 – A song from your favorite album
Day 20 – A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21 – A song that you listen to when you're driving
Day 22 – A song that you work out to
Day 23 – A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 – A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 – A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 – A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 – A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 – A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 – A song from your childhood
Day 30 – Your favorite song at this time last year